Package org.apache.hadoop.contrib.index.mapred

Interface Summary
IDistributionPolicy A distribution policy decides, given a document with a document id, which one shard the request should be sent to if the request is an insert, and which shard(s) the request should be sent to if the request is a delete.
IIndexUpdater A class implements an index updater interface should create a Map/Reduce job configuration and run the Map/Reduce job to analyze documents and update Lucene instances in parallel.
ILocalAnalysis<K extends WritableComparable,V extends Writable> Application specific local analysis.

Class Summary
DocumentAndOp This class represents an indexing operation.
DocumentAndOp.Op This class represents the type of an operation - an insert, a delete or an update.
DocumentID The class represents a document id, which is of type text.
IndexUpdateCombiner This combiner combines multiple intermediate forms into one intermediate form.
IndexUpdateConfiguration This class provides the getters and the setters to a number of parameters.
IndexUpdateMapper<K extends WritableComparable,V extends Writable> This class applies local analysis on a key-value pair and then convert the result docid-operation pair to a shard-and-intermediate form pair.
IndexUpdateOutputFormat The record writer of this output format simply puts a message in an output path when a shard update is done.
IndexUpdatePartitioner This partitioner class puts the values of the same key - in this case the same shard - in the same partition.
IndexUpdater An implementation of an index updater interface which creates a Map/Reduce job configuration and run the Map/Reduce job to analyze documents and update Lucene instances in parallel.
IndexUpdateReducer This reducer applies to a shard the changes for it.
IntermediateForm An intermediate form for one or more parsed Lucene documents and/or delete terms.
Shard This class represents the metadata of a shard.

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